Submit Cold Case

Across the country, members of law enforcement face a growing number of unsolved murder cases. In 2017 alone, the FBI reported that nearly 40 percent of the nation’s 15,657 murders went unsolved.

With every new case, officers and investigators are challenged with providing closure to families and friends of the victim while bringing the killer to justice. The Sherry Black Foundation has joined forces with law enforcement agencies to provide additional support by a team of experienced and knowledgable individuals. We are proud to say that several cases have progressed and even resulted in charges filed from these case reviews.

Submit cold Case

Follow these directions to submit your cold case:


First Name:

Last Name



“I can’t believe it took us this long to make a change. So happy that we did. Numbers don’t lie.”

John Doe, Divi CEO

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1234 sAn Francisco, CA 12345
+1 555 0394 848